1. Which personality traits help an artist make art and which ones get in the way?
It's always an individual story, not a matrix that applies to everyone. In my case, discipline in practice and an interest in everything in theory — communication, literature, mythology, religion — help.
What gets in the way? I think imposter syndrome, and comparing yourself to other people.
2. What is your favorite occupation besides art?
In addition to canvases, I'm currently writing music, studying soft architecture, and modeling clothes. All of the parallel occupations are also related to art.
3. Have you ever had a situation in your life that influenced your art positively/negatively? Or greatly changed the way you look at what you do?
There was a period when I was making music videos, but it didn't bring me the kind of payoff that would have benefited my growth in this field.
In 2013 I edited my last project, gave up everything and went to my father in Dagestan, in the mountains, for 6 months. That period had a big impact on me. There I started studying calligraphy and drawing again — that's when I decided I was going to do it professionally.
4. Who would you like to talk to about any person who has ever lived or is living now? Why that person in particular?
I would be interested in talking to Gurdjieff, Timothy Leary, Hieronymus Bosch, Pelevin, Aleister Crowley. I think I can give a long list of people I am interested in. When I studied their ways and works, a new world was born in my mind — I looked at the reality I was living in from a new perspective. They definitely influenced my vision.
5. How does your art change the world, the culture, yourself?
If it does, it's my world; I don't like to make loud statements. With each new project I realize that I'm not wasting my time, even though I can do more.
6. What do you think the future of contemporary art is?
I think the future lies in technology. The interaction of creators and neural networks — this synthesis can both split us up and be beneficial to the construction of a new world. There is a transition going on right now.
7. What do you think about the ups and downs of NFT? Do you have any NFT projects?
I guess NFT technology has brought back interest in digital artists, lifted the veil by showing us the future and the overvalue of money. It's a good tool — it's cool that it's gone in so loudly. I'm sure it will take hold. I've been interested in learning about it. I was creating more physical works, the digital canvas sales were an add-on option to them.
8. What is the most valuable thing for you (in the world, in life, in creativity)?
The most valuable thing for me is the opportunity to do what I want, the freedom.
I consider the meaning of my life to be the realization of my inner creative potential, the transformation of spirit into physical or vibration.