1. What personality traits help an artist to make art, and which ones hinder?

The main thing that helps is self-confidence. The main thing that interferes is doubt. Other qualities follow them.

2. What is your favorite activity besides art?

Fill gaps in education. The aesthetic principles of Japanese culture, the evolution of the «Memphis» interior style, and the principles of the African-American five percent sect are very interesting topics.

3. Was there a situation in your life that influenced your creativity positively/negatively?

I think that everything we experience is reflected in our activities. Often the reaction is compensatory: the event that should unsettle is distilled into fuel. This has happened to me many times.

4. Who would you like to talk to from the personalities who have ever lived or are living now?

If I had enough knowledge of spoken Spanish, I would have talked with Picasso. Not sure if he would have discovered the secret of his creative prolificacy, but it would be interesting.

Are pseudo-intellectual answers like «with Christ» or «Stalin» also accepted?

5. How does your art change the world, the culture, yourself?

I am a nerd who grew up in a disadvantaged area of St. Petersburg. I equally love both hip-hop of the 90s and the museum of ethnography. My art is the flesh of the flesh of my conflicting interests. With it, I seek to show that we can be very different, and it is in the synthesis of our oddities that uniqueness lies. Also, hopefully it makes the environment a little prettier.

6. What do you think about the future of contemporary art?

As long as a person is alive, art will live — and undergo metamorphoses.

7. What do you think about the rapidly growing NFT?

I think that by next year this phenomenon will not disappear, as some predict. But it will not completely absorb art in the real world, as others hope.

8. What is the most valuable thing for you (in the world, in life, in creativity)?

Visibility, like-minded people, woman, city, taste, music, own space. And it is also important for me to surprise myself with each subsequent work.